Hey, kids! This is the super cool story of how baby Jesus came into the world. It’s got a stable, a star, and lots of happy surprises. Let’s dive in!
Mary Gets Big News
The Birth of Jesus: Once upon a time, in a little town called Nazareth, there was a kind lady named Mary. One day, an angel zoomed down from the sky. “Hi, Mary!” the angel said. “You’re going to have a special baby named Jesus. He’s God’s Son!” Mary’s eyes got big. “Wow, really?” she said. She was excited but a little nervous.
Joseph Joins the Team

Mary told her fiancé, Joseph, the news. He was a carpenter who built stuff with wood. At first, he wasn’t sure what to think. But then, an angel visited him in a dream. “Don’t worry, Joseph! This baby is from God!” it said. Joseph woke up smiling. “Okay, I’m in!” he cheered.
A Trip to Bethlehem
When Mary’s belly got big, they had to take a trip to Bethlehem. The king said, “Everyone, go to your hometowns!” So, Mary and Joseph walked a long way. Mary might’ve ridden a donkey—clip-clop! It was bumpy and dusty. They were tired when they got there. “Phew, we made it!” Joseph said.
No Room, Just Animals
Bethlehem was packed! All the cozy inns were full. “Sorry, no beds!” people said. Finally, a nice innkeeper pointed to his stable. “You can stay with the animals!” he said. It had cows, sheep, and lots of hay. Mary and Joseph shrugged. “It’s better than nothing!” they said.
Baby Jesus Arrives
That night, baby Jesus was born! Mary wrapped him in soft cloths. She laid him in a manger—a box where animals eat hay. It was his little crib! The stable was warm and quiet. Stars twinkled outside. “He’s perfect!” Mary whispered. Joseph nodded. They were so happy.

Shepherds Get a Surprise
Out in the fields, shepherds watched their fluffy sheep. Suddenly—BOOM!—the sky lit up! An angel appeared. “Don’t be scared!” it said. “A special baby, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem. Go find him in a manger!” Then tons of angels sang, “Glory to God! Peace to everyone!” It was like a sky party!

Wise Men Follow a Star
Far away, three wise men saw a super shiny star. “A new king is born!” they said. They grabbed gifts—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—and rode camels to find him. The star led them all the way to Jesus. “Wow, he’s the one!” they cheered. They gave him their treasures.

Everyone Celebrates
The shepherds ran to see Jesus. They told Mary and Joseph about the angels. The wise men bowed to the baby king. Mary smiled big. “He’s already making people happy!” she said. The stable felt full of love. Everyone knew this baby was extra special.
Summary for Kids
So, kids, Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room anywhere else. Angels told shepherds, and a star guided wise men to him. They all celebrated because Jesus was God’s gift to the world. It was a busy, happy night full of surprises!
What would you say to baby Jesus? Would you like to sleep in a stable with sheep?
That’s the first story, kids! Jesus’ birth was the start of something amazing.
Read More: Top 60 Bible Stories for Kids – Lessons of Love and Faith!